So I've been ever so slightly M.I.A over the past couple of weeks. Apologies my small following, you see, I've been dipping my feet back in to the waters of travel, taking a much needed break from one city to experience another.
As you've probably guessed, the topic on today's blog is Barcelona! The city of Gaudi, Art and (perhaps the most important) CAVA!
The boyfriend and I were on an adventure to see all thing Barcelona and boy did we achieve our goal. Not only did we perhaps see every single tourist attraction the city has to offer, but we even managed to take a trip to experience life in the fast lane, about 1250 horse power in the fast lane, at the Barcelona F1 testing.
We only had 4 days in this gorgeous city and really wanted to make the most of our time there, so we decided we would become the geekiest of tourists and hop on a "hop-on hop-off" bus. This way we would see everything Barcelona had to offer in 1 day!
We eagerly